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26th July 2014

My first blogging event – Loved it!! #GUMISensoryGardenFun

We set off from Lincoln around 9am this morning to pick up my niece, Megan, from Belper. We then drove from Belper to Chesterfield and met up with some absolutely lovely bloggers at Dobbie’s ๐Ÿ™‚

KayCee and Ella in the car on the way to our first blogging event
On the way from Lincoln to Belper and both girls were trying to hide from the camera!


I was a little shy when I got to my first blogging event and didn’t really talk to many people but I did feel totally at ease with Jaime from The Oliver’s Madhouse ๐Ÿ™‚ It was the first time we’d met in real life; we’ve been online friends for ages but even so, I surprised myself when I went and sat with her and some other lovely ladies after the hubby and kids abandoned me (ok, so he’d taken them to the toilets but still, I was all alone!) and I felt a bit of a numpty sat on my own!

I wish now I’d made more of an effort to introduce myself to some of the other bloggers and have a chat but small steps were made by me actually getting out of the house and turning up (you may have guessed, I’m quite shy!) so I’m proud of that ๐Ÿ™‚

I was chatting to Jaime on Twitter this evening and I’ve decided to try and find a sponsor for Britmum’s Live next year. I’ve wanted to go every year since I started blogging but lack of funds and courage stopped me.
It’s now my mission to find a sponsor, and the courage, to travel all that way without the S.W.H. (super wonderful husband) for support!

I’d like to thank Katy and Laurence (I think she introduced him as Laurence….my memory is rubbish!) from Frank PR and Megan from Dobbie’s for such a really lovely afternoon. The picnic lunch was enjoyed by us all, the girls had a lovely time and it was great hearing more about Frank PR. Hopefully, we’ll get to work together in the future.

Dobbie's garden centre


Ella with a flower she found at our first blogging event


Ella listening to the talk about growing things


Sensory garden


Crooked spire at Chesterfield
The crooked spire at Chesterfield ๐Ÿ™‚


Scarecrow festival
I forget which village it was but one we went through today had a scarecrow festival ๐Ÿ™‚


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